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How Much does Residential Inpatient Alcohol Rehab Cost in Oregon?

Posted on: January 14th, 2022 by

The cost of alcohol rehab has been a matter of public discourse for as long as alcohol has been available to humans. The most common question: how much does it cost to get sober?

As with most things, the answers vary depending on the type of rehab, the doctor you consult, and your own level of sobriety. You can learn more about residential versus outpatient rehab by reading this post (which is by no means an exhaustive list). But for purposes of answering that question, first get some facts about what inpatient rehab costs in general. Many people don’t realize that there is not only one type of residential rehab: there are many variations on how you might do it and the costs can vary enormously. And the types are fairly diverse too: outpatient versus residential; inpatient versus day treatment; inpatient versus group program; etc.

Let’s start with an overview of costs. As with most things, the reality varies depending on where you live and what kinds of care you require; but essentially, if you’re going to get treatment for alcohol addiction at all, you will need to pay for it out-of-pocket or on a sliding scale basis (i.e., different programs offer different rates). If your state has a Medicaid program , then Medicaid covers much or all costs (depending on which state you live in). If your state does not have a Medicaid program , then insurance companies may cover most or all expenses (but see below); if your state has a private insurance plan , then your employer may cover part or all costs if your company offers medical coverage (anyone who works for Apple would know this); and if you’re self-employed , then you may have to pay out-of-pocket expenses or be reimbursed by either your employer or another source (think 401(k) plans).

If you are self-employed , ask yourself these questions:

  • What kind of coverage do I need? Answer them honestly!
  • Do I need any kind? If so, what kind? What form(s) do I need? Are they full coverage or partial coverage?
  • Can I change my policy with my company at any time without having to pay anything out-of-pocket?
  • What do my policies say about deductibles/covers/caps?
  • What are other protections/coverage options available besides deductibles/covers/caps that might limit my out-of-pocket expenses while in rehab?

Why choose inpatient residential alcohol rehab?

Alcohol addiction treatment is a very serious disease. It is not a medical condition, but a mental and physical illness. The number one reason why people do not seek treatment is because they are scared to death of the idea of it. Their hearts race when they think about the possibility of their loved ones getting high, or going through withdrawal. They worry that their loved ones will go into withdrawal and die during this period. Even if they have considered it, they don’t want to take the chance that their loved one might overdose on something in their home or apartment.

Don’t be one of those people who thinks alcohol rehab can be done safely at home!

The fact is there are many ways to ensure your loved one gets the help he or she needs without going through withdrawal from alcohol (or other substance abuse). Here are some tips for how to choose an inpatient residential alcohol rehab:

  1. Research your options thoroughly before you make up your mind about whether you want to go through with this decision for your loved one
  2. Choose somewhere which has good reputation for being able to offer support in difficult moments rather than a community center or hospital — and stick with it!
  3. Make sure that you chose someone who does not just talk about recovery, but actually does recovery as well as talking about it — somebody who has worked on addiction and therapy programs before. If you have an idea of who this person is, feel free to ask them (or suggest them yourself!).
  4. Don’t spend too much money on a place — stay away from places where it feels like everyone else has been pampered (i.e., “I’m so lucky I found such a great place!”)
  5. Look at everything carefully before making any final decision — including what kind of care plan you will need, how much time you can expect to be away from your home and family (the more time away, the more expensive treatment will be), what kind of support systems will be available for any situations which come up during treatment (and how long these systems might last), etc. If everything feels right, then make those choices and start looking into other options so that you don’t waste any time…and don’t overspend either!

What is the cost of inpatient residential alcohol rehab?


Our fees are some of the lowest in the industry for private substance abuse treatment programs.

Pacific Ridge accepts many insurance plans. Please call us regarding your situation.

The prices shown are discounted prices for clients paying cash at intake. Daily rates will be higher depending on financial arrangements and insurance coverage. Please ask the staff if your insurance company has a contracted rate, which may offer you savings.


Pacific Ridge charges $925 per day for residential treatment.

Pacific Ridge charges $1,650 per day for clinically monitored Detoxification Services

Posted in Treatment

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Are you looking for help?

Pacific Ridge is a residential drug and alcohol treatment facility about an hour from Portland, Oregon, on the outskirts of Salem. We’re here to help individuals and families begin the road to recovery from addiction. Our clients receive quality care without paying the high price of a hospital. Most of our clients come from Oregon and Washington, with many coming from other states as well.

Pacific Ridge is a private alcohol and drug rehab. To be a part of our treatment program, the client must voluntarily agree to cooperate with treatment. Most intakes can be scheduled within 24-48 hours.

Pacific Ridge is a State-licensed detox and residential treatment program for both alcohol and drugs. We provide individualized treatment options, work closely with managed care organizations, and maintain contracts with most insurance companies.