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Information about residency at Pacific Ridge drug and alcohol treatment center

Please call us if you have any questions that aren’t answered here.

At Pacific Ridge inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center, we have developed a schedule which helps support our clients by providing them with positive and meaningful activities throughout the day. We believe that an active and engaging schedule promotes an active and engaged attitude toward addiction recovery. While this schedule may appear very structured, keep in mind that each resident knowing what they are doing next assists them to take that next step toward healing.

Blue shaded areas indicate activities in which approved family and friends of patients are invited to participate. Family and friends planning to attend visiting hours must read our information and rules concerning visitors below.

Individual and family counseling sessions must be scheduled with the client’s counselor.

7:00 a.m.Wake UpWake UpWake UpWake UpWake UpWake UpWake Up
9:00Goals GroupGoals GroupGoals GroupGoals GroupGoals GroupGoals GroupGoals Group
9:30Sports & MotivationSports & MotivationSports & MotivationSports & MotivationSports & MotivationISSP Review & Week in ReviewSpirituality Assignments
10:45Sports & MotivationHouse GroupSports & MotivationHomeworkSports & MotivationA & D EducationA & D Education
12:00 p.m.LunchLunchLunchLunchLunchLunchLunch
1:00Group TherapyStep PresentationsGroup TherapyGroup TherapyGroup TherapySpirituality AssignmentsRelapse Prevention
2:30PM ExercisePM ExercisePM ExercisePM ExercisePM Exercise
3:30Discharge PlanningA & D EducationDischarge PlanningFamily GroupFamily SpiritualityRelapse Prevention12 Step Programs
8:30Evening GroupEvening GroupEvening GroupEvening GroupEvening GroupEvening GroupEvening Group
9:30Quiet TimeQuiet TimeQuiet TimeQuiet TimeQuiet TimeQuiet TimeQuiet Time


Pacific Ridge differs from many residential alcohol and drug treatment programs by recommending family members or other support persons participate in as many treatment activities as possible, including the intake appointment, treatment sessions, and family sessions.

There is no extra cost for support person involvement.

Rules for visitors

There are three times per week when approved visitors may visit

  • Tuesdays 3:00-3:30 pm
  • Thursdays 3:00-3:30 pm
  • Thursdays 6:00-7:30 pm

When visiting a resident, please follow these guidelines

  • Visitors must be approved before they will be allowed on campus. To be added to a resident’s approved visitors list you can ask other family members who have been participating in treatment to talk to the resident, or you can leave a message for that resident on the answering machine asking that you be added to their visitor list. The answering machine number is (503) 361-5488.
  • We ask that people NOT visit if they believe they may be ill or have symptoms of illness.
  • Visitors must sign the visitor’s book every time they come to Pacific Ridge.
  • Visitors must not bring purses, bags, nicotine, candy, beverages, food, cell phones, electronic devices, pets, or other non-allowed items into the facility.
  • Check the treatment program schedule. On the schedule we have many groups that are open for support people to attend (open groups are the shaded areas on the schedule). For people who attend a treatment session, we offer the opportunity for visiting during the break time before or after that treatment session.
  • All sessions start promptly on time, and visitors arriving late will not be allowed to enter. We have this policy because we want to stress that our primary focus is treatment, and family treatment is very important in our program.
  • Children are welcome to attend groups if they are able to benefit from the group, can act appropriately, and not distract others. We have no babysitting capacity at Pacific Ridge and children must be supervised by their parents at all times..


Visitors may not stay at Pacific Ridge. There are motels and hotels nearby, in Salem and Albany.


  • Comfortable clothing for meetings; many clients wear sweats.
  • Rain Gear: Jacket, hat, umbrella for walking outdoors in the rain
  • Tennis shoes (2 pairs)
  • Bathrobe, slippers, pajamas or nightgown
  • Gym clothes
  • Enough clothing for a week
  • Personal Items
    • Toothbrush and toothpaste or powder, dental floss
    • Hairbrush and comb
    • Deodorant
    • Shampoo, conditioner, and/or shower cap
    • Shaving supplies
    • Menstrual supplies (as appropriate)
    • Prescription medication. All medications must be approved by one of our Licensed Medical
      Practitioners, and sample medications must have a written prescription or they will not be
  • AA Book or NA Book (not required – bring one if you have one)
  • Writing Material (paper, envelopes, ink pen, postage stamps)
  • Insurance Card


  • No electronic cigarettes, personal vaporizers, or other electronic nicotine delivery systems.
  • No clothing that exhibits drugs, (including nicotine and caffeine), paraphernalia, music groups, gambling, or alcohol products
  • No cologne, perfume, aftershave or other products with alcohol in them or that hide smells
  • No herbal remedies or vitamins
  • No electronic communication, information or entertainment devices of any kind (such as cellular telephones/watches/other devices, computers, electronic tablets or games, radios, recorders,
    walkmans, or cameras, fitness trackers, etc)
  • No food, candy or drinks
  • Valuables: No space is available to protect valuables. Residents bring valuables at their own risk. PACIFIC RIDGE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR VALUABLES.

Each resident will have closet space and dresser drawers available to keep their clothing.

Pacific Ridge will provide sheets, pillowcases, blankets, towels, washcloths, and a waterproof mattress cover. Toilet paper and soap will be provided. Laundry facilities will be available for residents to wash and dry their own clothing. Residents are requested to follow the directions for the machines
posted in their laundry area.



Our fees are some of the lowest in the industry for private substance abuse treatment programs.

Pacific Ridge accepts many insurance plans. Please call us regarding your situation.

The prices shown assume clients paying cash at intake. Daily rates may be higher depending on financial arrangements and insurance coverage..

Day-by-day residency

$925 per day
  • Please note that the package plans above are more economical for a longer stay

Clinically monitored detoxification services

$1,650 per day