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Posted on: January 15th, 2022 by Pacific Ridge
Many people will roll their eyes when they hear the phrase “prescription drug abuse.” Prescription drugs are meant to be used for a reason, and thus while it is still possible to abuse them and become addicted, they should not be taken lightly. Abuse includes taking prescription medications in ways other than advised by a doctor or using them with other substances such as alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine.
Prescription drug abuse is a dangerous and potentially deadly practice. There are many people who abuse prescription drugs by taking them without a prescription or in greater doses than prescribed, which can lead to addiction and overdoses. The most commonly abused prescription drugs are opioids (pain killers), benzodiazepines (anti-anxiety drugs) and amphetamines (stimulants).
There are many ways that people abuse prescription drugs. While these medications can be extremely dangerous if they are not used as directed, they can be just as harmful when taken incorrectly. A person may not realize that they’re abusing their prescription drugs if they don’t think of themselves as an “addict”. However, there are plenty of warning signs to determine whether or not this may be the case. A person may appear to abuse prescription drugs if they:
Drugs are drugs, regardless of the form or what they are prescribed for. Prescription drug addiction is one of the worst forms because it is so easy to get prescriptions and acquire pills. The person who abuses prescription medication doesn’t know how much they should take or when to stop taking them, leading to an opioid overdose or other dangerous side effects. Prescription drug addiction treatment can be extremely difficult, but it is not impossible. If a person is thinking about taking a prescription drug and needs help, they can reach out to a prescription drug rehab center like Pacific Ridge. These centers offer a customized program that will help the person who has a prescription drug addiction.
Prescription drugs can be very helpful in managing pain and other chronic illness. However, they may also be highly addictive and dangerous, leading to dependency and addiction. It’s important for patients to be responsible about the use of their medication, making sure they don’t take more than prescribed or share their medication with other people. If you know or suspect someone is abusing prescription drugs please give us a call at Pacific Ridge and we can guide you through the next crucial steps.
Posted in Treatment
Pacific Ridge is a residential drug and alcohol treatment facility about an hour from Portland, Oregon, on the outskirts of Salem. We’re here to help individuals and families begin the road to recovery from addiction. Our clients receive quality care without paying the high price of a hospital. Most of our clients come from Oregon and Washington, with many coming from other states as well.
Pacific Ridge is a private alcohol and drug rehab. To be a part of our treatment program, the client must voluntarily agree to cooperate with treatment. Most intakes can be scheduled within 24-48 hours.
Pacific Ridge is a State-licensed detox and residential treatment program for both alcohol and drugs. We provide individualized treatment options, work closely with managed care organizations, and maintain contracts with most insurance companies.
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