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The Staff at Pacific Ridge

Executive Director

Don Langenberg, Ed.M.

Pictured: Don Langenberg

Don Langenberg has over fifty years of experience with alcohol and drug treatment, and has consistently worked to keep current in his understanding and approaches to effective treatment. He is the driving force behind keeping Pacific Ridge one of the premier treatment centers in the Pacific Northwest. He, along with his wife Sally, founded Pacific Ridge.

Medical Director

Dr. Manya Helman, MD

In addition to her work at Pacific Ridge, Dr. Helman has a family practice providing Direct Primary Care in Salem, OR and works with people in recovery to provide Medication Assisted Treatment.

Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

Nate “Thumper” Kravitz

Pictured: Nate Kravitz

Nate “Thumper” Kravitz is a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. He is also a certified coach, with experience coaching wrestling at the high school level and ultimate Frisbee at the collegiate level. He helped design our 18 cage disc golf course.

Clinical Supervisor

Shannon Ramberg, CADC-II

Pictured: Shannon Ramberg

Shannon is our Clinical Supervisor. She is very good at dealing with insurance companies, completing the paperwork they require for claims. She is a certified yoga instructor, and works with clients and families individually and in group settings.

Family Counselor

Steve Humphrey, CADC-II

Pictured: Steve Humphrey

Steve has been with Pacific Ridge for over 25 years. He is a family counselor and works with clients and families individually and in group settings. He is trained and certified in the Gorski-CENAPS Model of Recovery and Relapse Prevention.

Counselor Associate


Pictured: Caitlan

Caitlan is getting the education and work experience needed for CADC certification, and works with counselors in group and individual sessions.

Counselor Associate


Pictured: Krystal

Krystal works with counselors in group and individual sessions, and is completing the education and work hours needed for her CADC certification.

Counselor Associate


Pictured: Steph

Steph works with counselors in group and individual sessions, and is completing the education and work hours needed for her CADC certification.

Program Manager

Laurie Cade, CCDC

Laurie is certified as an alcohol and drug counselor, and has been with Pacific Ridge for over 25 years. As Program Manager, her primary tasks involve supervising and coordinating the various staff units and their work assignments.

Office Manager

Kathy Foster, AA, CDS-II

Pictured: Kathy Foster

Kathy schedules appointments and intakes, communicates with insurance companies, manages billing. She has over 25 years experience working in field. Often she is the first person a telephone caller talks to regarding our program. Kathy is involved setting up most intakes and is valued by clients and staff alike because of her friendly attitude and her knowledge about our treatment program and financial issues.



Pictured: Stephanie

Stephanie is our lead secretary and greets people by phone and in person. In addition to keeping our paperwork flowing smoothly, she performs many other tasks as needed to help individuals enter treatment and feel comfortable during their stay at Pacific Ridge.



Pictured: Star

Star is one of our secretaries who greet people by phone and in person. She performs many different types of tasks required to help individuals enter treatment and feel comfortable during their stay.



Lydia does a wonderful job providing food that is wholesome and tasty. Our residents report that they are please with her cooking!

Treatment Aide


Tiffany performs many tasks to ensure that we have smooth operations and comfortable residents.

Treatment Aide


Pictured: Coral

Coral performs many tasks to ensure that we have smooth operations and comfortable residents.

Treatment Aide


Pictured: Ann

Ann performs many tasks to ensure that we have smooth operations and comfortable residents.

Treatment Aide


Pictured: Nelva

Nelva performs many tasks to ensure that we have smooth operations and comfortable residents. She works with counselors for group and individual sessions and is completing the education and work hours needed for her CADC certification.

Treatment Aide


Pictured: Alice

Alice performs many tasks to ensure that we have smooth operations and comfortable residents. She also works in our kitchen as an assistant cook.

Maintenance Supervisor

Brandon Cade

Pictured: Brandon Cade

Brandon is responsible for our maintenance and supervising work done on the facilities. He also fills in as needed in other areas when we are short of staff.