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Posted on: August 8th, 2017 by Pacific Ridge
If you are struggling with addiction, you might have a hard time seeing a path forward that will allow you to live drug free. An essential part of gaining this vision is not just stopping yourself from using again but also changing your life so you can more easily confront your tough emotions without resorting to drugs or alcohol.
As you develop new coping strategies, you will increase in emotional intelligence that will support you as you experience sadness, stress, anxiety, or anger. Coping strategies can come in many forms, and as you learn to help yourself feel better without drugs and alcohol, you’ll have more tools for overcoming addiction in your belt.
One of the most effective coping methods is actively making a choice to change your thoughts before your emotions start to escalate. This change takes some coaching and introspection, especially at first. Usually, changing your thinking means working against how you’ve learned to respond to things in the past.
For example, almost every person (whether struggling with addiction or not) has trouble with cognitive distortions. These are patterns of thinking that lead to uncontrolled emotional responses, which cause you to perceive things differently than they are. Some examples of cognitive distortions include:
There are several types of distortions, and identifying them in your own life helps you to change your thinking. You might even have to start by saying something aloud, such as, “There are more than two outcomes. I am not a winner, but I am not a failure. I do not always fail.”
Soon, overcoming your cognitive distortions won’t take as much work, and you’ll be able to change your response entirely, establishing much better management of your emotions.
After rehabilitation, you might not be able to do the same things, hang out with the same friends, or even have the same job you had before. To recover, you need to fill your time with things that bring you pleasure and fulfillment.
Instead of turning to drugs during periods of weakness, you can rely on new pursuits to fill the void. Every person will discover different physical coping methods, but common ones include:
Your rehabilitation center will help you discover physical ways to release stress and confront your emotions in meaningful ways.
The final set of coping methods deal with calming your mind. If you’re working out and actively trying to change your thoughts, the last thing to do is learn how to provide some rest and peace for yourself.
Often, people turn to drug and alcohol use as a means of coping with trauma and stress. Those who experience loss, abuse, anger, major life changes, bullying, or other trials can turn to substances as a way to handle their emotions. Instead of relying on these substances, you can learn to:
As you calm your mind, you’ll have a greater ability to reason, think positively, and engage in activities that are meaningful to you.
Of course, every person is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. At Pacific Ridge we can help you learn and use coping mechanisms that will work for you. If you are looking for a place to start (or re-start) your recovery, please give us a call at Pacific Ridge. We look forward to helping you.
Pacific Ridge is a residential drug and alcohol treatment facility about an hour from Portland, Oregon, on the outskirts of Salem. We’re here to help individuals and families begin the road to recovery from addiction. Our clients receive quality care without paying the high price of a hospital. Most of our clients come from Oregon and Washington, with many coming from other states as well.
Pacific Ridge is a private alcohol and drug rehab. To be a part of our treatment program, the client must voluntarily agree to cooperate with treatment. Most intakes can be scheduled within 24-48 hours.
Pacific Ridge is a State-licensed detox and residential treatment program for both alcohol and drugs. We provide individualized treatment options, work closely with managed care organizations, and maintain contracts with most insurance companies.
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