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Learning to Cope: Strategies to Help Your Addiction Recovery

Posted on: August 8th, 2017 by

If you are struggling with addiction, you might have a hard time seeing a path forward that will allow you to live drug free. An essential part of gaining this vision is not just stopping yourself from using again but also changing your life so you can more easily confront your tough emotions withou ...

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Alcohol & Smoking Recovery Treatment near Salem, OR

Posted on: August 14th, 2013 by

Have you ever noticed how drinking and smoking seem to go hand in hand. Often our clients come to us with a nicotine addiction in addition to whatever other addiction with which they are struggling, especially alcohol addiction. The bad news is that nicotine is just as addictive and dangerous as alc ...

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Are you looking for help?

Pacific Ridge is a residential drug and alcohol treatment facility about an hour from Portland, Oregon, on the outskirts of Salem. We’re here to help individuals and families begin the road to recovery from addiction. Our clients receive quality care without paying the high price of a hospital. Most of our clients come from Oregon and Washington, with many coming from other states as well.

Pacific Ridge is a private alcohol and drug rehab. To be a part of our treatment program, the client must voluntarily agree to cooperate with treatment. Most intakes can be scheduled within 24-48 hours.

Pacific Ridge is a State-licensed detox and residential treatment program for both alcohol and drugs. We provide individualized treatment options, work closely with managed care organizations, and maintain contracts with most insurance companies.